Thursday, August 14, 2008

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If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook

Golf Workout


The best investment you can make before spending all that money on expensive golf clubs and lessons is a golf workout program. To get the most out of your golf clubs and lessons, your body must be readily fit with the proper golf workout program that targets all the muscles required for the best golf swing according to your body make-up.

All the newest golf technology will not help you if you dont get the necessary stength and flexibility in your body in order to make the proper movement involved with the golf swing, pain free with power & balance. One of the best books I have come accross regarding a golf workout program can be found by Clicking Here!

Then and only then will you get the maximum results from todays golf technology without having to spend yourself out of playing the best golf of your life. is a dedicated website on golf workout articles and related topics.

More Info On Golf Drivers

Set up with the ball near your front foot, the club face square to the target line and your eyes over the ball. It is important to keep your hands level or ahead of the ball through the stroke.
...BBC golf

Proper Sequence Is Key
There are many elements of impact that must come together to produce consistency, but the key lies in the sequence. From the top of the backswing, the legs and hips must initiate the downswing by moving toward the target, past their original position at address. This creates the proper tilt in the shoulders that allows the right arm to remain flexed at impact, while the left wrist becomes flat. Basically, a proper impact position is the result of a proper sequence of movements.
...Golf Tips magazine

Hitting the ground before the ball, or "fat shots" is a very common problem that can lead to injury. This is caused by either coming into the ball too steeply, and/or decelerating the club head as you hit the ball. Proper weight shift is important and keeping your right shoulder back on the downswing (opposite for left handers) is crucial. There is a tendency to throw the right shoulder ahead as you come down creating an outside in steep club path. Focus on swinging more around your body to remedy this. A good drill is to strap your upper arms to your body and hit balls. This makes it impossible to throw the shoulder forward. Don't forget to accelerate through the ball. When you slow down at the bottom of your swing, you will hit it fat every time.
...PGA Tour

The trajectory of a golf ball and the distance it travels depends on its initial trajectory, speed and spin, as well as what it's moving through (air). The air is not always the same. It varies in temperature, pressure, humidity and density. If there were no air whatsoever, the golf ball would not travel far. Likewise, if a ball is hit in air with no spin, it will not travel far.
...The Golf Channel

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